Each of these funny Christmas pictures each show a case where you know that Christmas is just going to go badly. If you enjoy viewing them and like our jokes and humour site, please can you share this post to help share the laughs with your friends.
Avoid The Rush Hour
Let’s begin with the Christmas shopping, and hands up how many of us end up leaving it to the last minute, adding to the stress of trying to find something suitable to buy for everyone on your list.
The Christmas shopping rush is just horrible, I don’t know anyone who enjoys shopping when the stores are jam packed with people, well except maybe pick-pockets!
I can imagine people having had enough that they are prepared to take this guy up on his offer and end it all.
Ikea Christmas Tree
Money is so tight this year, we ordered the self-assembly Christmas tree from Ikea. It’s not exactly what we expected!
What Do You Think Of Our Christmas Lights?
I got lumbered with the task of putting them up this year. All bloody tangled up. I thought “Sod this for a lark!”
Christmas Ornament
The tree is about to get tipped over for sure. It just proves that cats are evil.
Gift Not Included
How often have you unwrapped a gift that requires batteries, and it says “batteries not included”. Of course you then look high and low throughout the house, looking for batteries, and end up scavenging them from every device that you can think of, including the tv remote, just to try and get the new gift working, and of course even if you do find enough batteries of the right size, one or more is practically dead already. Sigh…
This year my brother may have killed it, but I’m going to bloody kill him when I see him!
Maybe Using “Let It Snow Wrapping Paper” Wasn’t Such A Good Idea
Well, if nothing else it should make a good talking point on Christmas morning I guess.
The End Of The Tape
Sure we all know what this is like, especially if you are like me and chew your nails. Always seems like the wrapping tape sticks itself back down and refuses to lift up again at the most awkward time doesn’t it. Sometimes takes me what seems like an eternity to get the end unstuck again too.
Bad News I’m Afraid
I just wonder how many parents have felt so mean just before Christmas that they have done something like this to their kids to avoid having to buy them presents.
Bye Bye Santa Claus
Now that would really light up the night sky on Christmas Eve wouldn’t it.
I can just see the newspaper headlines now…
Wrong Chimney Santa!
Maybe Santa needs some new glasses as he obviously can’t pick the right chimney to climb down.
Either that or he has been sampling too much egg nog…
Santa Gave Me Some Coal For Christmas
Is it just me, or do you think the girl in this picture looks just a teenie-weenie bit evil?
I bet she won’t be getting coal from Santa next year!
The Day The Elves Won The Lottery
Just imagine if the elves won the lottery, all quit their jobs and as a result Santa Claus wouldn’t have any toys to deliver on Christmas Eve.
Santa Claus Is Going Downtown
Just when he thought the Christmas deliveries were off to a good start, Santa Claus gets arrested, maybe for being taken short and having to stop for a pee in a local park, who knows.
Fact of the matter is though, it’s going to take a lot of explaining to the judge that he is the REAL Santa Claus, and how are the rest of those presents ever going to be delivered?
Santa Visits Donald Trump
I found this to not only be funny, since after all the moronic screwups so far during his (and I hate to say it) presidency, a lump of coal is all that Donald Trump deserves for Christmas.
But there is also a darker side to this picture, the fact that by promoting the use of fossil fuels instead of renewable energy, and by denying that climate change and global warming are a reality, he is helping to change the future for our planet, it’s natural resources and wildlife, and most importantly for mankind.
She Said She Wanted A Special Christmas Tree This Year
So the good lady, your wife, the “boss”, says to you that she wants a special Christmas tree this year.
She is fed up with the run of the mill trees where the needles start to fall off even before you bring it indoors. By the time Christmas Day arrives, you invariably have a mass of bare branches, and a big pile of needles all over the carpet. Not to mention that the branches are all sticky with sap, which gets all over the decorations, and all over your fingers and hands, and we all know it’s a real bugger to try and wash off as well.
So, you find this amazing Christmas Tree which is made out of old hub caps, and bring it home. Tell the good wife you have found a really special tree this year, tell her to come to the door and close her eyes. Then, when you tell her to open them, instead of the “oh wow amazing” response that you were expecting, for some reason she goes ballistic!
She Wanted A Nose Ring For Christmas
I think my 13 year old daughter is going to be really excited on Christmas Morning. Little do I know what is going to happen when she opens this…
The New Fairy On Top Of The Christmas Tree
Again, your good wife is never satisfied, and this time it’s the Christmas Tree fairy that has got to be replaced.
She has been in the family for donkey’s years, is now looking well past her prime, and your wife states that it’s your job to find a new one for the tree this year.
Unfortunately, you forget, and before you know it, Christmas Eve has arrived, and the only place that is still open is the local discount store (ie: Poundland, The Dollar Store etc).
So what do you do? You get the only thing that you can think of, egged on by your work colleagues of course, who were with you early that afternoon at the office Christmas bash, where you all consumed a bit too much alcohol.
You tell yourself that she will love it, but in reality you know what the response is going to be when you get home…
I Bought This Pack Of Four Christmas Ornaments
Someone only had one task to do at Christmas, and that was to label the packaging for the Christmas Ornaments.
I’m thinking that arithmetic wasn’t their strong subject at school.
The Milk Has Gone Bad
Imagine waking up on Christmas morning, desperate for a coffee. You open the fridge door, only to find, shock horror, that the milk has gone bad!
She Wanted Frozen For Christmas
You just know from the look on her face that things aren’t going to go well this Christmas Day! What she REALLY wanted was a DVD of the movie “Frozen”, but someone didn’t understand, and now they are going to get the “evil look” throughout the holidays.
What The Elf On The Shelf Really Gets Up To
Mom won’t be happy when she find out what the elf on the shelf really gets up to when everyone goes to bed.
There Really Is A Santa Claus
Imagine being a young child, being brave enough to creep downstairs on Christmas Eve and to wait for Santa Claus to arrive, only to discover that he has his off moods like everybody else.
I Told You There Was A Santa Claus
I guess that would spoil Christmas, Santa being eaten by polar bears. That would put paid to the whole mystery surrounding his existance.
Santa’s Elves Make “Lord Of The Rings” Toys
Right before Christmas, Santa realises that asking the elves to make “Lord Of The Rings” toys was a big mistake. I don’t know what was on their minds, or at least on the mind of one of them, but it’s surely not going to end well.
Chocolate Santa Claus Unwrapped
I don’t know whose idea it was to create these chocolate Santa Claus, but there’s going to be some embarrassment when they get unwrapped. The kids might not notice, but watching Mom try and destroy the evidence head first might seem a little weird.
You Know There Is Going To Be Trouble When Mom Gets Home
Guess nothing needs to be said, other than Mom is probably going to throw the biggest wobbly the world has ever seen…
What If Santa Claus Doesn’t Like Babies
We all have our limits when it comes to babies crying and screaming, but what if Santa Claus really can’t handle it, and secrectly just gives them a smack when it gets too much! That would put a new twist on Christmas for certain and change the myth of him being a fat old jolly fellow.
Freddy Got Some Markers For Christmas
Yound Freddy got some markers for Christmas. Unfortunately, they are permanent ones, and his younger brother is now going to display his artistic works for the next few weeks. You won’t buy those again in a hurry will you!
And Finally…
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Got any more funny pictures of Santa Claus and his Reindeer that you think we might like to add to this collection? If so, you can send them to us on Twitter.