A second grade teacher was asking her class about when they grow up and what kind of wife they would like to have.
First the teacher asked little Billy what kind of wife he would like then he was grown up.
Little Billy replied, “Please Miss, I would like a wife like my Mum who knows how to cook all the things I like to eat”.
The teacher said that was a great idea and congratulated little Billy on his way of thinking.
When it came to his turn, she asked little Johnny “what kind of wife would you like”.
Little Johnny thought for a minute and replied, “Please Miss, I would like a wife like the moon”.
The teacher said, “Wow that’s an interesting thought Johnny. Did you mean you want her to be beautiful and calm like the moon?”
Little Johnny replied, “Oh no Miss, I want her to arrive at night and disappear in the morning”.
The teacher was stumped for a response.
Image used under a Collective Commons License from https://pixabay.com/photos/woman-darling-moon-mountain-5384654/