The Laughline
Thousands Of Funny Jokes To Make You Laugh

We Are So Sorry Mr. Bin Laden

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

“We are so sorry Mr Bin Laden” is a satirical poem that I wrote about the death of one of the most evil characters to walk this amazing planet of ours. 

I hope you enjoy it and if you do, please consider sharing it to help inspire me to write more satirical rhymes. 

We’re so sorry
Mr. Bin Laden
But the decision to kill you
Wasn’t really a hard ‘un

Your spreading evil
Is unforgiven
As is your hatred
Of all things livin’

The world we live in
Should be so happy
But thanks to your kind
It’s often crappy

How can people live
In comfort and joy
When monsters like you
Want to kill and destroy

You may have thought hijacking planes
Was rather cool
But killing innocent people
Just made you look a fool

To teach young children
That killing’s fine
And let them blow up
All the time

That’s just not right
You evil sod
And how can you say
It’s the will of God?

All those you brainwashed
I hope one day
Will come to see
Your evil way

They gave their lives
And did your bidding
While all the time
You cowered hidden

To stay in hiding
You must be brave
While sending others
Off to their grave

Watching Obama
There on your telly
In a week old nightshirt
Must have been smelly

And so good riddance
To your evil and sins
Now you know for sure
That evil never wins

You were pure evil
Far from a hero
I wish your head was on a stake
There at Ground Zero

Finaly you’re dead
And your body is gone
We hope your evil
Fails to live on

One thing unanswered though
Now that you’re dead
Why did you wear that big
Marshmallow on your head

This poem was written by Tony Payne and originally published on Yahoo Contributor Network.

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

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