Two whales were swimming around in the ocean (as whales do), when they came upon a ship that had a cargo of potatoes.
The first whale swam underneath the ship, tipped it over and ate everything, ship and all.
A few days later, the two whales were still swimming around in the ocean when they came up to another ship that was loaded with potatoes.
The first whale capsized that one, too and ate everything on board.
The third ship they spotted was also hauling potatoes and once more the first the whale upended the ship and ate everything on board.
“Why do you keep tipping over those ships full of potatoes and eating everything on board?” the other whale asked.
“I wish I hadn’t done it,” the first whale said, “but I just can’t help myself once I start. You know how it is — you can’t eat just one potato ship.”
Sorry – I know it’s a really bad joke, but I couldn’t help myself!
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