The Laughline
Thousands Of Funny Jokes To Make You Laugh

Two Immigrants

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Two immigrants arrived in America and on their first day off the boat they wandered around New York City, to see the sights that Manhattan had to offer.

They were amazed at everything they saw, from the Empire State Building to Grand Central Station and the myriad flashing lights and advertisements in TIme Square just blew them away.

They walked through Central Park, marvelling at how different areas of the park were, then across to admire Brooklyn Bridge. They were totally in awe of the magnificent sights that Manhatten had to offer.

Before they knew it, lunch time approached and they realized that they were really hungry.

They came up to a street vendor selling hot dogs and like many immigrants to the USA, wanting to try and live like Americans, they thought that they ought to try them.

One immigrant said to the other in a shocked tone, “My God. Do they eat dogs in America?”

“I don’t know!” the other immigrant replied, equally appalled at the thought of eating dogs.

They were rather dubious at the thought of eating hot dogs, but they were also pretty hungry by this time.

“Well”, the first immigrant said, “we came to this country to be Americans, so we must do as they do”.

So they approached the vendor bravely and asked for two hot dogs.

The vendor handed them their food in a pair of paper sacks.

The two immigrants then walked over to sit on a park bench nearby to eat their lunch.

One looked inside his sack, hesitated and turned to his partner.

He said with a shocked look, “Uh, which part of the dog did you get?”

Image used under a Collective Commons License from:

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