The Laughline
Thousands Of Funny Jokes To Make You Laugh

Three Nuns Outside The Pearly Gates

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One day, three nuns died and before long they were standing outside the pearly gates of heaven waiting to get in.

Saint Peter approached them, and asked the first nun, “Do you know who the first man was on Earth?”

The first nun said, “Ummm, that’s a difficult question, would it be Adam?”

Immediately, bells rang, angels sang, the pearly gates opened, and she walked right in to heaven.

Then Saint Peter went up to the second nun and asked her, “Do you know who the first woman was on Earth?”

The second nun said, “Ummmm, I’m not really sure, but would it be Eve?”

Again, bells rang, angels sang, the pearly gates opened and she walked right in to heaven.

Finally, Saint Peter asked the third and last nun, “What were the first words Eve said to Adam?”

The third nun said, “Hmmmmm that’s a hard one”.

Bells rang, angels sang, the pearly gates opened and she walked right in to heaven.

Image used under a Collective Commons License from:

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