The Laughline
Thousands Of Funny Jokes To Make You Laugh

Three Lunatics

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Three lunatics approached their asylum doctor with a request for a weekend pass to visit the local city.

“That’s impossible the doctor said. You are all nuts! You will just get lost and never come back and that will cause us all kinds of problems”.

However, the three lunatics wouldn’t relent, until finally, exasperated, the doctor said to them, “OK! If you can answer a simple question, I will sign a weekend pass for you”.

The doctor turned to the first lunatic and asked him, “What is three times three?”

The lunatic started counting on his fingers, “3, 7, 19, 38? Is it 128?”

The doctor shook his head and turned to the next lunatic.

“What is three times three?”

The lunatic immediately shouted out, “WEDNESDAY!”

The doctor, beginning to get disgusted, turned to the last lunatic.

“What is three times three?”

The lunatic thought for a moment and then asked for a pencil and a piece of paper.

That provided, he wrote for some time, furiously scribbling away, then finally looked up and said “Nine”.

The doctor was amazed, but true to his word he began filling out the weekend passes.

As he was writing, he said “This is incredible. You have always been thoroughly insane. How did you do it?”

The third lunatic responded, “Oh, it was easy. I divided 128 by Wednesday!”

Image used under a Collective Commons License from:

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