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The Pope’s Blessing

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There was this one time that the Pope was finishing his sermon and the time came for him to give the blessing.

He ended it with the Latin phrase, “Tuti homini” which means “Blessed be mankind”.

A women’s rights group approached the Vatican the next day and commented that the Pope had blessed all of mankind, but not womankind.

So, the next day, after his sermon, the Pope concluded with his blessing by saying, “Tuti homini, et tuti femini” which means “Blessed be mankind and womankind”.

The following day, a gay rights group approached the Vatican and said that they were unhappy that the Pope had blessed mankind and womankind, asking if it would be possible for the Holy Father to also bless those who are gay.

The Vatican council approached the Pope, who being a fair and modern minded Christian, agreed that he would do this the following day.

The following day, the Pope concluded his sermon with the blessing, “Tuti homini, et tuti femini” then added “et tuti fruiti”.

Image used under a Collective Commons License from:

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