The Laughline
Thousands Of Funny Jokes To Make You Laugh

The Jewish Samurai

Image used under a Collective Commons License from is a story about a Jewish Samurai.

Once upon a time… Yeah I know, this is going to be a corny story. Would you prefer that I start with “Many moons ago…?” Is that better?

Very well, I will…

Many moons ago, there was a powerful Emperor who needed a new chief Samurai warrior to help him keep control of his empire.

So he sent out a declaration throughout the land, that he was searching for the best Samurai warrior who ever lived.

Well, a year passed and in that time only three people showed up for the trials.

There was a Japanese Samurai, a Chinese Samurai and a Jewish Samurai.

The Emperor asked the Japanese Samurai to come forward and demonstrate why he should be the chief Samurai warrior in the empire.

The Japanese Samurai opened a match box, and out flew a bumblebee. Whoosh! went his razor sharp sword, and the bumblebee dropped dead on the ground in two pieces in front of the Emperor.

The Emperor exclaimed: “That was impressive!”

The Emperor then issued the same challenge to the Chinese Samurai, asking him to come in and demonstrate why he should be chosen.

The Chinese Samurai also opened a match box, and out buzzed a fly. Whoosh, Whoosh! Went his great flashing sword, and the fly dropped dead on the ground, in four small pieces in front of the Emperor.

The Emperor exclaimed in awe: “That was really VERY impressive!”

Now the Emperor turned to the Jewish Samurai, and asked him also to step forward and demonstrate why he should be the head Samurai warrior in the empire.

The Jewish Samurai also opened a match box, and out flew a small gnat. His lightning quick sword went Whooooosh! …. but the tiny gnat was still alive and flying around.

The Emperor, who was obviously very disappointed in this display, said to the Jewish Samurai, “I see you are not up to the task. The gnat is not dead?”

The Jewish Samurai bowed and said, “Your Highness, circumcision is not intended to kill”.

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

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