An oxymoron is a figure of speech that contain words that appear to contradict each other. It’s often referred to as a contradiction in terms.
As with other rhetorical devices, oxymorons are used for a variety of purposes. Sometimes they’re used to create a little bit of drama for the reader; sometimes they’re used to make a person stop and think, whether that’s to laugh or to wonder.
The above definition of an Oxymoron was taken from yourdictionary.com.
- Government Worker
- Legally drunk
- Exact estimate
- Act naturally
- Found missing
- Resident alien
- Genuine imitation
- Original copy
- Airline Food
- Good grief
- Government organization
- Sanitary landfill
- Alone together
- Walking dead
- Small crowd
- Business ethics
- Soft rock
- Butt Head
- Military Intelligence
- Sweet sorrow
- Rural Metro (ambulance service)
- “Now, then …”
- Passive aggression
- Clearly misunderstood
- Peace force
- Extinct Life
- Plastic glasses
- Terribly pleased
- Computer security
- Political science
- Tight slacks
- Definite maybe
- Pretty ugly
- Rap music
- Working vacation
- Religious tolerance
- Act naturally
- Bittersweet
- Only choice
- Microsoft Works
Yes the last one is really appropriate! After all these years, many people and companies still struggle to make Microsoft software work.
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