The good the bad and the ugly. No this isn’t about the movie, which is a classic western by the way (must watch it again sometime). You know what it’s like when you realize something and it seems good. Then, after a while you realize it’s not good, it’s bad. The worse is still to come though, when you realize that it’s neither good or bad, it’s just downright ugly.
Here are a few of those situations, that I hope either you or I never find ourselves in.
I think you will appreciate having read these that in our lives there are some things we ought to be grateful for.
And then there are these situations…
Good: Your hubby and you agree, no more kids
Bad: You can’t find your birth control pills
Ugly: Your daughter borrowed them
Good: Your son studies a lot in his room
Bad: You find several porn movies hidden there
Ugly: You’re in them
Good: Your husband understands fashion
Bad: He’s a cross-dresser
Ugly: He looks better than you
Good: Your son’s finally maturing
Bad: He’s involved with the woman next door
Ugly: So are you
Good: Giving the birds & bees talk to your daughter
Bad: She keeps interrupting
Ugly: With corrections
Good: Your wife’s not talking to you
Bad: She wants a divorce
Ugly: She’s a lawyer
Good: The postman’s early
Bad: He’s wearing fatigues and carrying an AK47
Ugly: You gave him nothing for Christmas
Good: Your daughter got a new job
Bad: As a hooker
Ugly: Your coworkers are her best clients
Way ugly: She makes more money than you do
Good: You’re son is dating someone new
Bad: It’s another man
Ugly: He’s your best friend
Good: You’re wife is pregnant
Bad: It’s triplets
Ugly: You had a vasectomy five years ago
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