This is a story about a desperate businessman.
A Jewish man had been in business for many, many years and the business had recently been literally going down the drain, with the changes in the economy as well as the changes in technology and the way of life taking it’s toll on his trade.
The man was seriously contemplating suicide and he just didn’t know what to do.
In desperation, he went to his Rabbi to seek advice.
He told the Rabbi about all of his problems in the business and asked the Rabbi what he should do.
The Rabbi thought for a minute and said to the man:
“Take a beach chair and a Bible and put them in your car. Yes, I know it’s a Christian book, but just trust me, take one and put it in your car. Then, drive down to the edge of the ocean. Go to the water’s edge. Take the beach chair out of the car, sit on it and take the Bible out and open it up. The wind will rifle the pages for a while and eventually the Bible will stay open at a particular page. Read the first words your eyes fall on and they will tell you what to do”.
Well, the man did as the Rabbi told him.
He went to a local book store where he bought a Bible. He then got a beach chair out of his garage and put it on the back seat of his car, put the Bible on the passenger seat and drove down to the beach.
He sat down on the beach chair at the water’s edge and he opened the Bible.
Just like the Rabbi had said, the wind blew the pages of the Bible and then it stopped, leaving the Bible open at a particular page.
The man looked down at the Bible and his eyes fell on the first words on the page which the Rabbi said would tell him what he has to do.
Three months later, the man and his family came back to see the Rabbi.
The man was wearing a very expensive Italian suit. His wife was all decked out with a full length mink coat and their daughter was dressed in beautiful silk.
The man handed the Rabbi a thick envelope which was full of money and told him that he wanted to donate this money to the synagogue, in order to thank the Rabbi for his wonderful advice.
Naturally, the Rabbi was delighted.
He recognized the man and asked him what words in the Bible brought this good fortune to him.
The man replied: “Chapter 11”.
Image used under a Collective Commons License from:
2 thoughts on “The Desperate Businessman”
Where are the punchlines to these jokes?
Hi Katy,
The header and archive pages only show the first part of each post. If you click on the HEADER for the post, this will show you the full details.
I hope this helps. I am working on a document to help people figure out how to use THELAUGHLINE.