Here’s a short funny story about the blonde’s new car which we thought might raise a laugh.
So, a blonde woman bought a brand new car and decided that this was the perfect time to go and visit an old friend who she hadn’t seen in a while and who lived quite a distance away.
She set off in her new car, had a fairly uneventful journey and reached her friend’s house a few hours later.
After spending a few days with her friend, it was time to return home, so she called her mother, telling her to expect her in the evening.
Well, surprise surprise, the evening arrived, but the blonde woman hadn’t.
The following day arrived as well, but she still hadn’t arrived at her mother’s house.
When she finally reached home on the third day, her mother, who by this time was extremely worried and distraught, ran up to her and asked her “What Happened?”
Her blonde daughter got out of the car, obviously very tired from her long journey and said, “These car designers are so stupid! They must be crazy giving a car four gears for going forward, but there is only one for going back!”
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