The Laughline
Thousands Of Funny Jokes To Make You Laugh

Thank You For Your Support

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

We just wanted to say a big Thank You to all our members and visitors for helping to support us by visiting our sponsors/advertisers and by purchasing products having clicked on our advertising links.

The Laughline is Free to use, we enjoy finding ways to help make people laugh, but it takes many hours of work each week to find and add new content, which we don’t get paid for. Then there are our internet costs to register our site and to keep it running securely.

We try to cover these costs with advertising rather than charging people to read our jokes, which just about covers our costs, but unfortunately precious little more.

If your do see any adverts that spark your interest, just clicking on them for more information can earn us a few pennies. Or if you have something you need to buy from Amazon or eBay, clicking on one of the links on the page before you make your purchase can also earn us a small amount. Even though it’s often just pennies, this does add up if enough people view our jokes and we hope to keep going for many years, as long as our costs are covered.

As well as taking an interest in the adverts on our site, you can also help us by sharing our jokes with your friends, especially on social media where it can really affect the number of visitors that we get. The more visitors, the more pages get viewed and the more chances we have to grow and to help cover our costs.

So if you have helped us to cover our costs by doing this, we are really grateful and Thank You Very Much. Just one thing – no spam clicking please, as that does affect us in a negative way.

You can find out more about The Laughline and our Advertising Policy on our About page.

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

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