A Texas billionaire fell seriously ill and was taken into hospital.
None of the doctors who examined him were able to figure out what was causing his illness. They had tried all kinds of tests, did several scans, consulted all the sources, but were still unable to determine the cause of his illness.
The billionaire, who wasn’t quite ready to depart this earthly realm just yet, let it be known that any doctor who could heal him could have whatever he desired.
One day, a country doctor who was visiting the hospital, was finally able to cure the billionaire.
As the doctor was leaving the hospital after a week’s stay, the Texan called him over and said , “Doctor! I am a man of my word. Ask for whatever you would like and if it is humanly possible I will get it for you”.
“Well”, the country doctor said, “I do love to play golf, so if I could have a matching set of golf clubs, that would be wonderful”.
With that the country doctor left.
The doctor didn’t hear from the Texan billionaire for some months until one day, he got a phone call out of the blue from the billionaire.
“I bet you thought that I had gone back on my word. Well, I have your matching set of golf clubs. The reason it took so long is that the two of them didn’t have swimming pools and I didn’t think they were good enough for you. So I had swimming pools installed and they are all ready for you now!”
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