The Best Funny Winter Jokes

31 posts

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Are you ready for some Winter jokes? We have some really funny Winter jokes here that we are sure you will enjoy.

I hate Winter! I much prefer the warm sunny days of Summer to the cold icy days of Winter, don’t you?

For me, Winter is just a miserable time of year. It’s short days, often dark and gloomy, wet and cold and depending on where you live, you could have lots of snow and ice as well.

To help you combat this cold, wet and dreary season, here are some Winter jokes to help you to cheer up a bit and to help a cold Winter day go a bit faster.

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Moose. Image used under a Collective Commons License from

Moose Hunting

Two hunters used to go off together moose hunting every winter, but they had never had any success and always came home at the end of their hunting trip without […]

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Three Blondes Ice Fishing

So one day these three blondes were up in Canada one Winter and they decided to go ice fishing. Despite spending the whole day up there on the lake, they […]

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Driving In Blizzard Conditions

We all know that in Winter, driving in blizzard conditions when the snow is coming down thick and fast, can be really hazardous and if you are travelling anywhere you […]

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Heavy Snow Storm

One winter night, a heavy snow storm had covered a woman’s van with snow and it was stuck in their driveway, preventing her from driving it to work. Her husband […]

Image Copyright Tony Payne 2020

Winter Power Cut

I had a winter power cut at my house this morning. It’s just what you need this time of year isn’t it! It’s cold and dark outside, you have no […]

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A Winter Scene

Imagine this winter scene one cold and frosty morning in a local park. A little old lady was walking her dog around a lake on a cold winter morning and […]

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New Car

Grant and Samantha, an elderly couple from Maine had just bought a new car when the New England winter hit with all its fury. Knowing just how cold winter can […]

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Skating Rink

One winter, Howard and Donald decided to build a skating rink in the middle of a pasture on their farm. A shepherd, who was leading his flock of sheep across […]

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The Farmers Wife

The farmer’s wife went to see the doctor to ask him about her husband’s chronic biliousness. The doctor advised her to give him liquid paraffin. The farmer’s wife went and […]

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When It’s Cold Outside In Alaska

When it’s cold outside in Alaska, that means it’s REALLY cold! If you live in a more temperate zone and think it’s cold outside, you probably don’t even know the […]

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Irish Oil Worker In Alaska

An Irish oil worker was on a job in the frozen north of Alaska. It was forty below zero one winter night (a rather mild night by Alaskan standards) and […]

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This Old House Is Our New House

Last fall my husband and I purchased an old house in northern New York State from two elderly sisters and it became our new house. Having moved into our new […]