Have you heard the story about the Irish Virgin? Oh come on, surely you have heard about the Irish Virgin? No? Well we will have to put that to rights […]
The Best Funny Village Jokes
When it comes to William Shakespeare and women, he was well known for being a womaniser and having mistresses, but it wasn’t always so. In Shakespeare’s younger days, he was […]
Seamus the blacksmith from a small village in Galway, went to see the doctor with a badly damaged foot. The injury looked really painful and Seamus’s foot had a large […]
You know what it’s like, living in the city with heavy traffic and too many people. Allen got to wondering about what it would be like, living somewhere where life […]
Two middle aged sisters lived together on the edge of a small village and managed the farm that their parents had left to them. They very much kept to themselves, […]
Murphy, who was an elderly farmer got married to a lovely young woman who came from the local village, but after a few months the marriage to his young wife […]
A farmer had heard that the best milk comes from contented cows, so he decided it would be a good idea if he could come up with a way to […]
An elderly lady from a small village that was out in the boondocks went to visit her niece and her husband who lived in a house in a very fashionable […]
A rather lovely woman in her 30’s loved growing tomatoes, but couldn’t seem to get her tomatoes to turn red on the vine in her garden. One day, while taking […]
It had been a terrible winter for the Highlands of Scotland with most of the land being buried under thick snow. It had been a colder winter than normal and […]
Miss O’Leary was a lovely little old Irish spinster from Cork who recently returned to the small village where she had lived most of her long life. While she had […]
Miss O’Leary, who was the church organist in the small church in her village, was in her eighties and had never been married. She was a little old lady who […]