The Best Funny Village Jokes

21 posts

Image Copyright Tony PayneVillage folk are often quirky and interesting to say the least, which is probably why we find quite a lot of village jokes being passed around.

We hope you enjoy our collection of village jokes and find them rather unique. If you do, please help more people to see our jokes by sharing our posts and passing the word around.

Image of Cows In A Village is Copyright Tony Payne. This was taken in the village of Burley in The New Forest in Hampshire, England.

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The Irish Virgin

Have you heard the story about the Irish Virgin? Oh come on, surely you have heard about the Irish Virgin? No? Well we will have to put that to rights […]

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Shakespeare And Women

When it comes to William Shakespeare and women, he was well known for being a womaniser and having mistresses, but it wasn’t always so. In Shakespeare’s younger days, he was […]

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Seamus The Blacksmith

Seamus the blacksmith from a small village in Galway, went to see the doctor with a badly damaged foot. The injury looked really painful and Seamus’s foot had a large […]

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Living In Alaska As An Eskimo

You know what it’s like, living in the city with heavy traffic and too many people. Allen got to wondering about what it would be like, living somewhere where life […]

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Two Middle Aged Sisters

Two middle aged sisters lived together on the edge of a small village and managed the farm that their parents had left to them. They very much kept to themselves, […]

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Murphy’s Young Wife

Murphy, who was an elderly farmer got married to a lovely young woman who came from the local village, but after a few months the marriage to his young wife […]

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Contented Cows

A farmer had heard that the best milk comes from contented cows, so he decided it would be a good idea if he could come up with a way to […]

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The Elderly Aunt’s Visit

An elderly lady from a small village that was out in the boondocks went to visit her niece and her husband who lived in a house in a very fashionable […]

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Growing Tomatoes

A rather lovely woman in her 30’s loved growing tomatoes, but couldn’t seem to get her tomatoes to turn red on the vine in her garden. One day, while taking […]

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Thick Snow

It had been a terrible winter for the Highlands of Scotland with most of the land being buried under thick snow. It had been a colder winter than normal and […]

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Miss O’Leary

Miss O’Leary was a lovely little old Irish spinster from Cork who recently returned to the small village where she had lived most of her long life. While she had […]

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The Church Organist

Miss O’Leary, who was the church organist in the small church in her village, was in her eighties and had never been married. She was a little old lady who […]