So, there were these three men, sitting at a bar, arguing as to which one had the ugliest wife. Yes I know, it’s one of those male chauvenist jokes ladies, […]
The Best Funny ugly
The good the bad and the ugly. No this isn’t about the movie, which is a classic western by the way (must watch it again sometime). You know what it’s […]
I went out for a few drinks the other night, and was standing at the bar minding my own business, when this ugly woman came up behind me. She grabbed […]
A woman was at the supermarket checkout, having completed the shopping at her local Walmart supermarket, where she selected a half-gallon of 2% milk, a carton of eggs, quart of […]
So I was in this sleazy bar on the wrong side of town last night, standing at the bar waiting for a beer, when this large ugly woman came up […]
Have you ever thought about what the real meaning might be behind the content of those personal ads in the papers, especially those where the advertiser uses some common “abbreviations” […]
An gorgeous young woman, who was being chaperoned by an ugly old lady, entered the doctor’s office and went up to the reception desk. “We have come for a physical […]
A middle-aged couple had two stunningly beautiful blonde teenage daughters. They had been married for a number of years, but finally decided to try one last time for the son […]
Can you imagine never having seen a mirror before? I can see you thinking already that this must be a terrible joke and to be sure you aren’t wrong there. […]