The Best Funny Turkey Jokes

11 posts

Image used under a Collective Commons License from Jokes come in many forms and we have a varied collection of the best funny Turkey Jokes here for you on The Laughline.

There are jokes about turkeys (live ones), jokes about eating turkey (roast turkey, sandwich meat etc), and we mustn’t forget turkey being a key feature of the Thanksgiving dinner in the USA or our Christmas dinner in the UK.

We hope you enjoy this collection of funny turkey jokes. Please share if you do.

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Christmas Lunch

May I take your Christmas lunch order?” the waiter asked me, after our party of friends had sat down to eat in the restaurant. “Yes please”, I said to the […]

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The Young Blonde Wife

A new young blonde wife makes a telephone call to her mother and as soon as her mother answers the phone she bursts into tears. She sobs over the phone […]

Image Source: Social Media

Funny Thanksgiving Pictures

We hope you enjoy this collection of funny Thanksgiving pictures that we have for you. Just to interrupt the fun, we need to say that these pictures came from various […]

Image Source: Social Media


On Thanksgiving Day everyone thinks of Turkey. When I think of Turkey I think of Breasts! The turkey breast is the best part of the bird after all, it’s juicy […]

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Do You Celebrate Thanksgiving In England?

“Do you celebrate Thanksgiving in England?” Being British and while I was living in the USA, every November there would be at least one person who would ask me “Do […]

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Short Thanksgiving Jokes

Thanksgiving comes just once a year, and I guess that’s a good thing because most Thanksgiving jokes are really bad! Here is a selection of some of the worst short […]

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The Blonde Calendar Journal

Have you heard about the time that this Blonde woman decided to keep a calendar journal? She jotted down on it all the eventful things that had happened each month […]

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The Local Sandwich Shop

My girlfriend and I went to a local sandwich shop to pick up some sub sandwiches last week. She had trouble deciding which sandwich to order, so she asked the […]

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The Turkey

A game warden was driving down the road when he came upon a local lad who he recognised as Little Johnny carrying a wild turkey under his arm. He stopped […]

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Turkey Addiction

There is this guy that had a turkey addiction. He was totally addicted to turkey and as a result he continually gained weight and was very sick and very fat. […]

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Three Corporate Lessons

Lesson Number One: A crow was sitting in a tree, doing nothing all day. A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him, “Can I also sit like you and […]