Is it just me or do you also find it fascinating when you go to the restroom on a plane and find that there are lots of buttons, the purpose […]
The Best Funny Toilet Jokes
Roger was working away for a few days. It was Saturday evening, he was bored and to be honest he wished he had female company for the night. He went […]
Little Johnny had just been toilet trained and decides to use the big toilet like his daddy. So, thinking to give his parents a nice surprise, he went into the […]
My wife had been nagging me for months to paint the toilet seat in our bathroom. Just why she wanted a painted toilet seat I don’t know, but hey ho, […]
I’m sure you have at least once in your life had one of those occasions where you really have to go and you know that there is no way you […]
One fine January afternoon in South Florida, a little flea oiled up his little flea legs and his little flea arms, spread out his blanket, and was just getting ready […]
One day, a father was left to look after his young daughter who was about 2 1/2 years old. Someone had given her a little tea set for her birthday […]
I am sure a lot of people have heard this story about the outhouse before, as it’s very old (like me), but since jokes can last for many generations and […]
Finding a toilet in Spain. This is one of a number of now classic sketches from comedy duo Hale and Pace from their television series. If you have been to […]
I’d like to tell you about the time my husband told me about the miraculous properties of toilet paper. I was fresh out of the shower and I was standing […]
This is the kids guide on how to stay out of trouble. Kids notice so many things don’t they and they often remember those incidents that got them into trouble […]
Have you ever had a home improvement project that went wrong in an unexpected way? It all started when my wife, Julie, had been after me for several weeks to […]