The Best Funny ten commandments

7 posts

Ten Commandments. Image used under a Collective Commons License from

Why The Jews Have Ten Commandments

Have you ever wondered why the Jews have Ten Commandments? Well, it’s a long story and a very old one too, but a few thousand years ago, God came up […]

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Sunday Mass

Seamus went to Sunday Mass one day and the priest almost fainted when he saw him, because Seamus had never been seen in church in all of his adult life. […]

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The Ten Commandments

A Sunday school class was studying the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament. The class had already covered the first nine commandments and was ready to discuss the last of […]

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Two Priests On Bicycles

There were these two priests who rode their bicycles to church every Sunday. Well, one day one of the priests showed up to work without his bicycle. The other priest […]

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Little Johnny At The Beach

Little Johnny was walking down the beach, and as he did so, he saw a matronly woman who was sitting under a beach umbrella on the sand. He walked up […]