The Best Funny Tea Jokes

5 posts

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Tea is a funny old drink isn’t it. There’s black tea, white tea, green tea and so many more brands and types with the strangest names.

Then some people like their tea strong while others like it weak, barely introducing the tea bag to the hot water. Is the water boiling or just hot? If it’s not boiling that won’t do for some people. Then do you have it with or without milk and sugar, or maybe with lemon, which is awfully posh!

There are plenty of jokes about tea, so having gathered a good collection here, we do hope you enjoy our funny tea jokes.

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A Woman Is Like A Tea Bag

Have you ever heard the expression “A woman is like a tea bag”? What it really means is “You never know how strong she is until you put her in […]

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Can You Brew Tea?

So there was this Irishman applied for a job as a labourer on a construction site in Liverpool. The foreman looked him over and asked him, “Can you brew tea?” […]

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Looking After His Young Daughter

One day, a father was left to look after his young daughter who was about 2 1/2 years old. Someone had given her a little tea set for her birthday […]

Brussels Sprouts Flavoured Tea by Sainsbury's

Brussels Sprouts Flavoured Tea! Really?

We went to our local Sainsbury’s supermarket this morning, and on the shelf in the tea and coffee aisle I spotted a pack of Brussels Sprouts flavoured tea bags. I […]

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So Paddy went for a job on this new building site in town. The foreman asked him the important questions that are naturally important for a labourer working on a […]