The Best Funny Tantrums

4 posts

Intersection Stop Lights. Image used under a Collective Commons License from

The Intersection

The stop light turned yellow right in front of him, so he did the right thing and stopped at the intersection, even though if he really had a mind to, […]

Bad Day At The Golf Course

Donald was having a really bad day on the golf course. It seemed lately that he was having more and more of those days, often coinciding with when he was […]

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

Unhappy Cruise Ship Passenger

The head of Carnival cruise lines apparently used to tell the story of an unhappy cruise ship passenger, who was throwing a tantrum at the pursers desk, just moments after […]

Bad Tempered Golfer

Once upon a time there was a golfer, who was well known for his bad temper, being a bad loser and for throwing childish tantrums on the golf course, especially […]