We all love Limericks, those short five line poems that are so catchy, but have you ever seen any Chocolate Limericks? We haven’t here at The Laughline either, so we […]
The Best Funny Shoplifting Jokes
5 posts
A young man was caught red handed shoplifting while he was trying to steal a Rolex watch from an exclusive jewellery store. The shoplifter said to the jewellery store manager, […]
At the Dublin Court House last Wednesday, Mrs O’Hennessy was charged with shoplifting a tin of peaches from a local supermarket. The Judge asked the prosecuting solicitor, “How many peaches […]
This guy really does have a way of taking shoplifting to a new level in this hilarious prank video.
A seagull in the UK has developed the habit of stealing Doritos from a neighborhood convenience store. The seagull waits until the manager isn’t looking and then boldly walks into […]