The Best Funny Scottish Jokes

8 posts

Image used under a Collective Commons License from love to make fun of the Scottish and this collection of Scottish Jokes is all about that, but in a fun way because we love them really.

Scottish folk are reputed to all be tight with their money and to all love bagpipes, wear kilts and live off haggis, but we know that’s not true. Or is it?

We hope you enjoy these Scottish Jokes and if you want more, take a look at our Scottish Jokes category.

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Beautiful Woman. Image Used Under A Collective Commons License from:

The Stammerers Action Group

Bridget had been working with her “Stammerers Action Group” for some time, but she was struggling to make progress with anyone in the group. She had tried every technique in […]

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Ethnic Minority Joke

As it’s clearly not politically correct to direct a joke at any particular ethnic minority these days, here is one ethnic minority joke that should upset just about everyone: An […]

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Playing Golf On A Windy Day

An Englishman, an Irishman, a Scotsman and their wives were playing a round of golf on a windy day. The Englishman’s wife stepped up to the tee and as she […]

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Holiday In The American Midwest

A Scottish couple were returning home from a long holiday in the American Midwest. They were amazed by the different kinds of wildlife that they found in the Midwest and […]

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Chauffeurs are something special aren’t they. You get given a smart uniform, a flashy car to drive and keep clean, and you get paid for the privilege. An Englishman, an […]

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Cheating Wives

This is what happens when men get together and start talking about their cheating wives. Three lads, all of them a sandwich short of a picnic, got to talking amongst […]

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Irishman At The Olympic Games

An Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman were all without tickets for the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games, but hoped to be able to talk their way in at […]

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Big Women

An Irishman was in his local pub the other night when he overheard these three really big women, who were seated at the bar, all drinking and talking loudly. Their […]