Every morning a little girl walked daily to school and then in the afternoon she walked back home again. One morning, although the weather was a little dubious and clouds […]
The Best Funny School Jokes
Have you noticed how teaching mathematics over the years has really changed? Maths is a lot different now to how it was taught in school when we were young. If […]
This is the message that the staff of a Secondary School in England apparently voted unanimously to record on the school answering machine attached to their telephone system. This is […]
This is an extract from a Los Angeles High School Math Proficiency exam. Name: ________________ Gang: ________________ Johnny has an AK-47 with a 40 round clip. If he missed 6 […]
A Jewish boy comes home from school and tells his mother he has been given a part in the school play. His mother asks him, “What part is it?” The […]
His mother had barely finished her lunch when her son Little Johnny burst through the front door of the house with a huge smile on his face, having come home […]
A mother was concerned about her young son walking to school for kindergarten in case he was being followed, you know what it’s like these days, you can never be […]
Don’t you just love teaching younger children. Here are some terrific examples of when a class of pupils can turn into a teacher’s nightmares. TEACHER: Why are you late?WEBSTER: Because […]
“Show and Tell” is one of those days in the school calendar that is often highly memorable. Marjorie, who is a teacher at a grammar school in Miami, remembers this […]