The Best Funny Rules

6 posts

Rules are there to be obeyed, or broken. It just depends on your viewpoint or your mood at the time. I have done both, how about you? Anyhow, here are some funny jokes and videos about rules and breaking them.

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New Retirement Community

A new retirement community opened in town and after the first batch of elderly people had moved in, the community manager summoned them all to a meeting in the lounge. […]

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Barbecueing Rules

As the weather is warming up and summer is just around the corner, barbecueing season is on us once again. There is nothing quite like the smell of meat cooking […]

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Hospital Regulations

Hospital regulations in the hospital where I work as a student nurse, require that a wheelchair is used for patients when they are being discharged. One day, I found an […]

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A Successful Woman Executive Goes To Heaven

One day, while walking down the street, Susan, who was a highly successful woman executive, was tragically hit by a bus and killed. Her soul arrived up in Heaven, where […]

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Twelve Rules Of Life

Sometimes we just need to remember what the 12 Rules of Life really are: RULE ONE Never give yourself a haircut after three Margaritas. RULE TWO You need only two […]

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New Airline Rules

Whoa! New airline rules! Well that’s all we need right now isn’t it! With all the problems that the airlines have been going through, including the cutting of services, these […]