Jack reached retirement age, so he went to see his doctor and asked him, “How can I live to be a hundred years old?” The doctor replied, “Well, I would […]
The Best Funny Retirement Jokes
This is a story about retirement in South Florida. I don’t know who wrote the original version of this and suspect it’s been embellished over the years. I have done […]
A wise old man retired and moved to a modest home that was near to a junior high school, seeking some peace and quiet in his older years. He spent […]
The US Air Force found they had too many officers and NCOs and decided to offer an early retirement bonus. They promised any officer who volunteered for retirement a bonus […]
When his health began to fail after he retired, Bill’s doctor recommended that he moved to somewhere healthier to live. So, after some research about places that were hot and […]
A new retirement community opened in town and after the first batch of elderly people had moved in, the community manager summoned them all to a meeting in the lounge. […]
I had waited for many years to quit work and was enjoying the second week of my retirement, much the same way as I had enjoyed the first week actually, […]
Retirement is a strange thing you know. Lying around, pondering the problems of the world, I now realise that at my age, I don’t really give a damn anymore. Honestly, […]
An old geezer became very bored in retirement and decided to open his own medical clinic. He rented a small office and put up a sign up outside that said: […]
Four retired men were walking down the street when they saw a sign that said, “Old Timers Bar – All drinks 10 cents“. They looked at each other in disbelief […]
If I get the chance to be reincarnated, I want to live my next life backwards. I suppose this might sound strange, but would you like to know why? You […]
An old man and old woman met shortly after both became residents at a retirement home. They soon began to get pretty friendly, and really enjoyed each others company. After […]