I was on the train the other day and asked a beautiful woman who was sitting next to me, “I love the perfume you are wearing, what is it called? […]
The Best Funny perfume
5 posts
The Top 10 Worst Gifts A Man Can Buy A Woman For Christmas! What a nightmare it can be trying to buy something for that special woman in your life! […]
Roger had been spending so much time working, he thought it might be nice to buy a little gift for his wife to show her that he did appreciate her, […]
Two leggy blondes walked up to a perfume counter in a large department store where the first blonde picked up a sample bottle of perfume, sprayed it on her wrist, […]
I got this new deodorant today. The instructions said remove cap and push up bottom. I can barely walk, but whenever I fart the room smells awesome.