Tongue Twisters are perfect for the holidays and will keep the family, adults as well as the kids busy and laughing for ages. In case you haven’t heard of tongue […]
The Best Funny Pepper Jokes
A man walked up to the cashier in a New Mexico grocery store and asked rudely, “Hey, how much for these jalapeño peppers?” He pronounced it “joe-la-pen-oh” not “ha-la-peen-yo“. The […]
Lemon Breast Chicken Recipe I saw this recipe for a lemon breast chicken that looked really good. I thought I would share it with others who I know like to […]
I think we can all identify with at least some of these ten words that don’t actually exist but ought to. They describe those moments, people or actions in life […]
The following questions and answers were collated from last year’s student high school exam questions. I can only assume that some students must think that if you don’t know an […]
Frank was on vacation in Texas and decided to have a day out at the local county fair. There is always something to see at the county fair and it […]
An American businessman went on a business trip to Japan, but coming from the Midwest he wasn’t too keen to try the local Japanese food, especially as he had heard […]