So Michael went to the phone box down the road and called the local newspaper office. “Is that the Galway Advertiser?” Michael asked. “Yes sir, it is to be sure”, […]
The Best Funny Newspaper Jokes
Don’t you just love it when newspaper headlines aren’t thought out too well and end up sounding really funny. Here are some of the best and funniets news headlines of […]
Three Italian nuns died and went to heaven. Sure enough, St. Peter was there to greet them at the Pearly Gates. He said to the Italian nuns, “Sisters, you all […]
This is taken from a competition in a newspaper, in which it was proposed that English should have male and female nouns. Readers were asked to assign a gender to […]
Bob was reading through the newspaper when he came upon a study that said women use more words than men. He was excited to prove to his wife, since he […]
Two women dog owners were arguing one day over which of their dogs was the smartest. The first woman bragged, “My dog is so smart. Every morning he waits for […]
There is one thing that is certain in this world and that is if you don’t look busy at work, people will think you are being idle. So, here are […]
How to know whether you are ready to have kids or not? This is a great question that all couples who are thinking of having children should ask themselves. While […]
Have you ever stopped and wondered what the newspaper headlines might be like in in 2030? The year 2030 is only ten years away, but if you think 2020 is […]
Clarence and his wife were vacationing in Hawaii when a violent earthquake struck the island in the middle of the night. As soon as morning came, Clarence went down to […]
A middle aged woman from America who was still a spinster, wanted to get married, but she was only willing to marry a man if he had never been with […]
I recently went to visit my granddaughter and her husband and asked if I could borrow a newspaper. “This is the 21st century Granddad”, she said. “We don’t waste money […]