The Best Funny museum

5 posts

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The Museum Of Modern Art

Paddy and his wife Siobhan were visiting The Museum Of Modern Art for the first time. Siobhan turned to an attendant who was standing nearby and asked him, “I suppose […]

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The Israeli Mummy

An archaeologist was digging in the Negev Desert in Israel, when he came upon a casket that contained a mummy. Now, since this was a rather rare occurrence in Israel, […]

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The British Museum

A novice insurance agent visited the British Museum, and while he was there, he accidentally knocked over a statue. Hearing the tremendous crash, the museum curator practically ran up to […]

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Natural History Museum

An accountant recently paid a visit to the Natural History museum. While he was looking at the Tyrannosaurus Rex exhibit, he remarked to another visitor who was standing next to […]

Image Copyright Tony Payne 2020


The other week we were at the children’s museum, which is full of hands-on arts and craft things. My daughter was playing with some pieces of metal, screws and nuts, […]