One morning, a husband took a pair of his underwear out of the dresser drawer. “What the heck!” he said to himself as a little dust cloud appeared when he […]
The Best Funny Miracle Jokes
One Sunday morning, before the church service began, a crippled man came into the church on crutches. He stopped in front of the holy water, sprinkled some on both legs […]
Have you tried lots of diets without success? Well, have you heard of the Miracle Cat Food Diet? Seriously, this could be the right diet for you! Most diets fail […]
One morning a man walked into the Catholic church using a pair of crutches. He stopped in front of the holy water, splashed some of the water on each leg […]
A husband reluctantly agreed to play with his wife in the couples Alternate Shot Tournament at his local country club. He teed off on the first hole, which was a […]
If you like Irish Jokes and Catholic Jokes, here’s a good Holy Water joke for you. So Paddy was walking through the customs area at the airport, carrying a large […]
A highly religious cowboy was out mending fences out on the range, when somehow he lost his favorite Bible. He was distraut, but imagine his surprise when three weeks later, […]
One fine summer day, old Paddy was found dead in his back yard by a couple of his drinking buddies. As the weather was a bit on the warm side, […]
One day, Father Murphy was out playing golf with one of his parishioners. On the first hole, when he hit the ball, he sliced it into the rough. His opponent […]
Two Irishmen, Patrick and Michael, had been shipwrecked after their ship caught fire and sank and now they were adrift on a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean, following […]
The pastor and the bear is a story that echoes from northern Maine about a pastor who decided to skip his church services one Sunday because he wanted to go […]
A famous faith healer was coming to Ireland and the news had spread like wildfire round Dublin as he was booked to perform there for an evening. It was announced […]