“You are not going to believe this, but I met a fairy yesterday”, one man said to his friend. “What happened, did the fairy allow you to make a wish”, […]
The Best Funny memory
Over the years I have come to believe that doors are more than just dividers between rooms, they have magical powers that defy our understanding. Have you ever walked into […]
Here’s a little poem for all you old folk out there whose “Forgeter Be Forgotten”. Read on and you will understand, especially if you are of a certain age. My […]
There were these three old men at the doctors, each had an have an appointment with their doctor for a memory test. The doctor asked the first old man, “What […]
A couple in their nineties were suffering with memory loss, both of them were frequently having problems remembering things, even just everyday things. Take my word for it, it’s no […]
Don’t you sometimes wish that life was like a computer? If life was like a computer, you could erase all your mistakes, going back and starting again. You could improve […]
One afternoon, three elderly ladies were sitting around the table enjoying a nice cup of tea. The first old lady said to the others, “you know what, I think my […]