The Best Funny McDonalds Jokes

3 posts

Image used under a Collective Commons License from Food restaurants are a great topic for jokes and just doing our bit, here is our collection of the best funny McDonalds Jokes.

It’s amazing how many incidents there are at McDonalds and other fast food restaurants. You hear about them in the news frequently but as well as the “true” stories there are also many “urban myths” related to McDonalds.

We have put together a collection of the best of these here for you and hope that you enjoy our McDonalds Jokes. If so, please share our posts to help us get as many people as possible to get a laugh out of them.

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

Plump Women. Image used under a Collective Commons License from:

Rosemary And Christina

Rosemary and Christina had been the best of friends since high school and tried to do as much as they could together. So when Rosemary announced that she was going […]

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

The Old Couple In McDonalds

The little old couple walked slowly into the McDonald’s restaurant that cold winter evening. They looked to be fairly out of place amid the young families and young couples who […]

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

Fast Food

I’m addicted to fast food and I readily admit it. One evening I had just come out of the new McDonald’s near to where I live, with a Quarter Pounder […]