The Best Funny Lunch Jokes

42 posts

Image used under a Collective Commons License from jokes, what a good topic! There have been a lot of funny lunch jokes and funny lunch stories circulating over the years and we hope that our collection of lunch jokes here gives you some good laughs.

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There Once Was A Man From Milan

There once was a man from Milan Who lunched daily on slices of Spam When asked “Are you mad?” He replied “No I’m sad” “As I’m down to my very […]

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Two tourists were driving through Louisiana and as they approached the town of Natchitoches, they started arguing about how to pronounce the name of the town. They argued back and […]

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School Cafeteria

One lunchtime, the children were all lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school. At the head of the food counter was a large wicker basket that was […]

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An Old Friend

A farmer was at a diner one day having lunch, when he noticed an old friend of his who was also dining there. What really caught the farmer’s attention, was […]

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Christmas Lunch

May I take your Christmas lunch order?” the waiter asked me, after our party of friends had sat down to eat in the restaurant. “Yes please”, I said to the […]

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Saturday Morning

So last Saturday morning I got up early, got dressed quietly, made a packed lunch, grabbed the dog, then slipped quietly into the garage. I hooked the boat up to […]

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Little Martha

Little Martha was complaining to her mother that she had stomach ache, her stomach was hurting. Her mother told her, “That’s because your stomach is empty Martha. Maybe you should […]

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The Jews Must Leave Italy

A few hundred years ago, the Pope made a decree that all the Jews must leave Italy. There was, as you can imagine, a huge outcry from the Jewish community, […]

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Peel And Win

Mary Jayne went into her local coffee shop and noticed there was a “peel and win” sticker on her coffee cup. Like any other blonde she couldn’t resist the chance […]

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Italian Americans

Many people think they know how to recognize an Italian American, but the reality is that there are many more ways to identify them than just their looks, mannerisms and […]

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Jesuit Priests

Murphy was getting more than a little peeved with the frequent visits that his wife was getting from her two nephews, who were both Jesuit priests. She had got into […]