The Best Funny Louisiana Jokes

5 posts

Image used under a Collective Commons License from Louisiana being one of the Southern States of the USA you would expect to find Louisiana jokes and we have a few here for you.

We hope you enjoy these and if you know of any more our readers might enjoy, please do send us them, by leaving a comment or via our Facebook or Twitter pages.

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Image used under a Collective Commons License from,_Louisiana.jpg


Two tourists were driving through Louisiana and as they approached the town of Natchitoches, they started arguing about how to pronounce the name of the town. They argued back and […]

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Louisiana Alligators

Two alligators were sitting at the side of the swamp in Louisiana. The smaller alligator turned to the bigger one and said, “I can’t understand how you kin be so […]

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The Old Lousiana Farmer

An old Louisiana farmer had owned a large farm in Louisiana for several years. Becoming a farmer was something that he had wanted to do for a long time, but […]

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Alternative USA State Slogans

We all know that the states in the USA have slogans, for example California has the slogan “The Golden State”, Arizona is known as “The Grand Canyon State”, Florida is […]

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Torrential Rain

One night, a torrential rain storm caused major flooding in South Louisiana. The weather forecast had predicted bad storms with heavy rain for a couple of days and for once […]