The Best Funny Lent Jokes

2 posts

Image used under a Collective Commons License from: is a collection of the best funny Lent Jokes.

Lent is the six week period leading up to Easter, beginning with Shrove Tuesday, more popularly known as Pancake Day, the last day before Lent when everyone uses up their eggs in preparation for 40 days of fasting.

It is one of the most important times of year for many Christians around the world, and from its start on Ash Wednesday until its conclusion on Easter Sunday, Lent has been a traditional time for fasting or giving something up or abstinence. Lent is also a commemoration of Jesus’s 40 days and 40 nights spent fasting in the desert.

Nowadays, Lent has become a time when people give up something more than just meat and eggs. This could be television, alcohol, or more recently social media. Trying to give any of these habitual things up in our modern lives is not as easy as you would imagine and from this has sprung a number of Lent related jokes. We hope you enjoy the selection that we have for you.

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Eating Sausages During Lent

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Image used under a Collective Commons License from:

Eating Meat On Friday

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