The Best Funny Irishman Jokes

31 posts

Irishmen are stereotyped to be stupid and as a result they are often the topic of some really funny Irish jokes. Of course not all Irishmen are stupid or dumb, and some have been known to play on this stereotyping to get their own back. Here are some terrific funny jokes about Irishmen for you.

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The Mirror

Can you imagine never having seen a mirror before? I can see you thinking already that this must be a terrible joke and to be sure you aren’t wrong there. […]

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Big Women

An Irishman was in his local pub the other night when he overheard these three really big women, who were seated at the bar, all drinking and talking loudly. Their […]

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Enormous Smiles On Their Faces

So these three dead bodies all turned up at a mortuary in Dublin and what was really bizarre was that they all had enormous smiles on their faces. The coroner […]

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The Prize Cow

An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman were standing looking at a prize cow in a field. The Englishman says “Look at that fine English cow.” The Irishman disagreed, saying […]

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The American owner of an Irish bar in New York flew across the Atlantic to Ireland on business. As he walked down the stairs from the plane onto the runway […]

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The Irishman

The Irishman was walking through a field when he saw a man drinking water from a pool, using his hand as a scoop. The Irishman shouted to him “Na ol […]

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The Farmer

A preacher walked up to a farmer and asked him, “Do you belong to the Christian family?” “No sir”, the farmer said, they live two farms down.” “No”, the preacher […]