The bank robber walked up to the counter in the bank, pulled out a gun, pointed it at the teller and said, “Give me all the money or you are […]
The Best Funny history
Isn’t it funny how sometimes, especially when it comes to politics, history repeats itself. In this case, something that was written in the past applies equally as much to something […]
The following questions and answers were collated from last year’s student high school exam questions. I can only assume that some students must think that if you don’t know an […]
Below are some actual answers to various sixth grade history tests, or so we are led to believe by whoever compiled this hilariously funny list. It’s amazing how children (and […]
One day, the teacher was giving the class a history lesson about the first president of the USA, George Washington, and how as a young boy he had chopped down […]
Reginald had made it to the last round of a television quiz show, where the prize for correctly answering the final question was a whopping ONE MILLION DOLLARS! The night […]