A widower never paid any attention to his wife while she was alive, but after she passed away, he found that now he was living on his own, he was […]
The Best Funny Heaven Jokes
An elderly couple who had been married for more than sixty years, died as the result of a horrific car crash. Their passing was really tragic, since despite their advanced […]
A man died and went to Heaven. Yes I know, it’s another one of those jokes, but such is life. People keep thinking them up, the same way as they […]
A man and his dog were walking along a deserted country road. The man was enjoying the tranquility and the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was […]
The Sunday School teacher was speaking to her class one Sunday morning and she asked them this thought provoking question, “When you die and go to Heaven, which part of […]
A preacher walked into a bar and called out to all the customers who were busily engaged supping on their beers, “Anybody who wants to go to heaven, stand up”. […]
I do love the Irish way of thinking, don’t you? I mean, everything in life seems to have a moral or a purpose and whatever happens… well it happens. Take […]
Have you ever wondered, do dogs go to Heaven? I know this is a question that a lot of people have pondered over the years and being “man’s best friend” […]
A five year old boy was spending the day with his Grandmother and was playing with his toys in her bedroom while his Grandmother was dusting. He looked up and […]
Do you know the difference between Heaven and Hell? This is something most Europeans will understand and hopefully find really amusing, but I guess it depends where you come from […]
A teacher was telling her class about whales and said that even though a whale is a very large mammal, it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a […]
Three Italian nuns died and went to heaven. Sure enough, St. Peter was there to greet them at the Pearly Gates. He said to the Italian nuns, “Sisters, you all […]