This is for everyone out there who are kitchen challenged and don’t have a clue about cooking or food preparation. It’s called Cooking For Dummies! Some people make fine chefs […]
The Best Funny hamburger
5 posts
Have you ever wondered why the English language is so complicated? So many words that look similar are pronounced differently, and at the same time, many words that are spelled […]
A woman asked her husband if he would like some breakfast. “Bacon, eggs, perhaps some toast? Maybe a nice sectioned grapefruit and a cup of fresh coffee?” she asked, He […]
The little old couple walked slowly into the McDonald’s restaurant that cold winter evening. They looked to be fairly out of place amid the young families and young couples who […]
I’m addicted to fast food and I readily admit it. One evening I had just come out of the new McDonald’s near to where I live, with a Quarter Pounder […]