A businessman was spending a few days in the big city and decided to check into what was advertized as a “Futuristic Hotel”. He really enjoyed new and inovative technology, […]
The Best Funny Haircut Jokes
A barber ran out of the barber shop and down to the nearest street corner where a policeman was standing. “Excuse me officer”, he asked, “have you seen a man […]
Dear Future Son-in-Law, I have been unable to sleep since I forced my daughter to break off her engagement to you. I trust that you will find it in your […]
A blonde girl who is wearing a pair of headphones, walks into a hair salon and asks for a haircut. The hair stylist looks at her and says, “You will […]
A man went to his local barbers shop to get a haircut a few days prior to going on a trip to Rome. He eagerly mentioned his trip to his […]
A guy stuck his head into a barber shop and asked the barber, “How long before I can get a haircut”? The barber looked around the shop full of customers […]
One day, a florist goes to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he asked about his bill and the barber replies, “I cannot accept money from you. I’m […]
Sometimes we just need to remember what the 12 Rules of Life really are: RULE ONE Never give yourself a haircut after three Margaritas. RULE TWO You need only two […]