The Best Funny Haircut Jokes

8 posts

Image used under a Collective Commons License from: have some brilliantly funny Haircut Jokes for you on The Laughline, some new ones, some old ones and some really old ones as well.

Lots of things can happen when you get a haircut, whether it’s at the hairdresser, the barbers or at home. Or maybe it’s a funny story where people got their hair cut while away on holiday or on business, we have those too.

We hope you enjoy our collection of haircut jokes and please do share our posts with your friends if you enjoy them, to help us reach more people and spread some laughter around.

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Futuristic Hotel

A businessman was spending a few days in the big city and decided to check into what was advertized as a “Futuristic Hotel”. He really enjoyed new and inovative technology, […]

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The Barber Shop

A barber ran out of the barber shop and down to the nearest street corner where a policeman was standing. “Excuse me officer”, he asked, “have you seen a man […]

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Future Son-In-Law

Dear Future Son-in-Law, I have been unable to sleep since I forced my daughter to break off her engagement to you. I trust that you will find it in your […]

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Blonde Girl Goes For A Haircut

A blonde girl who is wearing a pair of headphones, walks into a hair salon  and asks for a haircut. The hair stylist looks at her and says, “You will […]

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A man went to his local barbers shop to get a haircut a few days prior to going on a trip to Rome. He eagerly mentioned his trip to his […]

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The Barber Shop

A guy stuck his head into a barber shop and asked the barber, “How long before I can get a haircut”? The barber looked around the shop full of customers […]

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The Florist And The Barber

One day, a florist goes to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he asked about his bill and the barber replies, “I cannot accept money from you. I’m […]

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Twelve Rules Of Life

Sometimes we just need to remember what the 12 Rules of Life really are: RULE ONE Never give yourself a haircut after three Margaritas. RULE TWO You need only two […]