Seamus was walking along a Belfast street one night when suddenly he was confronted with a masked man who had a gun pointed right at him. The gunman asked him, […]
The Best Funny gun
5 posts
Two assassins were hired to kill a dictator in South America. They followed his every move for month after month, finding out that every day at noon he went outside […]
There is something about an elderly lady driving that is always good for a laugh. I’m not sure how true this story is, but I like to think it is […]
Have you ever wondered why Italian Fathers and Grandfathers pass their handguns down through the family? Well, wonder no more, this is the reason why… An old Italian man is […]
A man pulled a balaclava over his head and went into a bank, aiming to commit a bank robbery. The robber went straight up to one of the cashiers, pulled […]