Murphy and Paddy were sitting at a pub, drinking Guinness while watching the comings and goings at the brothel across the street. They watched as a Baptist minister walked into […]
The Best Funny Guinness Jokes
Murphy walked into a bar and ordered a Martini, followed by another Martini. After each Martini, Murphy would remove the olives and place them in a jar. He kept this […]
Paddy, Murphy and Seamus were drinking in their local pub and after a few pints of Guinness their discussion somehow turned to the topic of coincidences. Paddy said to the […]
Don’t you love it when you are caught unprepared and asked to buy tickets for the raffle. So, one evening, on his way home from work, Paddy popped into his […]
A European tourist had been travelling through Ireland, but he got lost and decided to stop in an Irish village to ask for directions. He saw two old men who […]
Paddy was walking along the beach one day, when he saw an old bottle laying in the sand. He picked up the bottle and started to brush it off, when […]
It was a quiet day in an English pub, and a few local lads felt like starting a bit of trouble. Well just then Paddy, who was an Irishman who […]
Two Irishmen, Patrick and Michael, had been shipwrecked after their ship caught fire and sank and now they were adrift on a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean, following […]
This is a joke that only beer drinkers would understand. Of course it’s an old joke too – what do you expect? The old jokes are the best, that’s why […]
“I was married 3 times” explained Paddy to Seamus, a newly discovered drinking partner, “and I’ll never marry again”. After another long swig of his pint of Guinness, Paddy continued. […]
This is a collection of limericks and poems that were written to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. The collection is a tribute to some talented writers who used to contribute to Associated […]