The Best Funny Grandfather Jokes

25 posts

Image used under a Collective Commons License from jokes are in our collection and of course grandfathers are lovely aren’t they. Well, unless they are the bad tempered crotchety ones you sometimes hear about.

We have lots of jokes and funny stories about grandfathers here, so enjoy and please do share them with your friends. We have buttons to make it easier for you to share our posts on Facebook and Twitter.

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One day a little girl was sitting on her Grandfather’s knee, playing with his long beard and patting his bald head. She asked him, “Grandpa, did God make me?” “Yes […]

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Researching Your Family History

Researching your family history can be really rewarding, but sometimes it can be more than a little frustrating as well. Sometimes I have so much trouble trying to track down […]

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Christmas Day At Tommy’s House

As usual on Christmas Day at Tommy’s house, the place was packed with relatives ready for Christmas dinner. His Grandfather called six year old Tommy over and started asking him […]

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My Granddaughter’s iPad

I recently went to visit my granddaughter and her husband and asked if I could borrow a newspaper. “This is the 21st century Granddad”, she said. “We don’t waste money […]

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Raking Leaves

One Autumn day, Little Johnny and his grandfather were raking leaves out in the yard. Little Johnny suddenly came across an earthworm as it was exiting from its hole in […]

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Life And Death

Two Irishmen, Murphy and Seamus were discussing the subject of life and death over drinks one night in a Dublin pub. The subject eventually got to old age, how long […]

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The Little House Behind The House

Did you or one of your relatives have an outside toilet (a little house) out back when you were growing up? Literally for so many people it was the little […]

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Grandparents In The Minds Of Children

Reading this observation of how children view grandparents made me smile and feel good about being a grandparent myself. We know that children often see things in a unique way […]

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The Nursing Home

A man went to visit his grandfather who was 95 years old and living in a nursing home. “How are you grandpa? he asked. “I’m feeling fine”” the old man […]

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Candy Bars

Little Johnny was sitting on a park bench and he was busily munching on a bag of candy bars, one after another. After he had watched Little Johnny eat his […]

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Lost In The Park

One day, a police car pulled up to Grandmas house and she was most surprised to see Grandpa get out of it. The police officer explained to her that this […]