The Best Funny golden retriever

5 posts

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Hip Replacement

Two patients limped into two different medical clinics, both suffering with the same complaint. Both had trouble walking and appeared to require a hip replacement. The FIRST patient was examined […]

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Golden Retriever Puppies

A woman client brought a litter of golden retriever puppies to my veterinary clinic for inoculations and worming. As the pups squirmed over and under one another in their box, […]

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Golden Retriever

In his younger days, our golden retriever Charlie often ran away when he had the chance, usually when our backs were turned for a minute or two. His veterinarian’s office […]

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Help Wanted

A company put a sign in the window saying “HELP WANTED. You must be a good typist and have good computer skills. Successful applicant must be bilingual. We are an […]

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Liver And Cheese

Liver and cheese really don’t go together, so how then do you get liver and cheese together in a joke? Here’s how… Three male dogs were walking down the street […]