The Best Funny God Jokes

40 posts

Image used under a Collective Commons License from up if you enjoy God jokes! If you do then we have brought together a huge collection of the best God jokes right here for you to enjoy. We also have some really bad God jokes here, what we call our “Oh God” collection!

Which God exactly are we telling jokes about? Well all of them, or at least potentially all of them. It doesn’t matter which God (or Gods) you believe in, old or modern, or whether you are an atheist (like me), we have a joke for you.

If you can’t find enough God jokes here to satisfy you, we also have a category for Religious Jokes which has more than 100 of the best funny stories about religion.

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Blonde Ice Fishing

One icy cold but sunny winter day, a blonde woman decided that should would like to try ice fishing. So, she packed up her fishing  gear and headed to the […]

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The Voice Of God

Have you ever thought you heard the voice of God talking to you? Well, one day a 70 year old woman was walking along the road when she heard a […]

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The First Woman

Contrary to popular belief, Eve was actually the first woman, the first human being that God created, before God created Adam, the first man. If you read on you will […]

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Reading The Bible

A Christian father was reading the Bible to his young daughter before she went to bed one night. He was reading from the Old Testament and the first chapter of […]

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God Created Adam

God created Adam in the Garden of Eden, but despite his glorious power, it turns out that Adam wasn’t the brightest spark in the Universe. One day, God said to […]

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Life Explained

Have you ever sat and pondered over the meaning of life? Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have life explained to us? What is life anyway? It seems like […]

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Plumber At The Pearly Gates

A plumber turns up at the Pearly Gates one day and asks to be let in. “What job did you used to do then?”, asks Saint Peter. The plumber replies, […]

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Ten Reasons God Created Eve

There are many jokes and stories about Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden, but this one is a bit different in that it raises the question as to […]

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Two New Organs For Adam

As we all know, God created the first man, Adam, in his own likeness, but there was something missing. So, God pondered over this for a while, finally deciding that […]

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The Zebra Conundrum

A Zebra dies and arrives at the Pearly Gates. As he enters, he asks St. Peter, ‘I have a question that’s haunted me all of my days on earth. Am […]

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The Pearly Gates

Forty gypsies arrive at the Pearly Gates in their BMW’s, Trucks and caravans. St Peter goes into the gatehouse and phones up God, saying: “I’ve got 40 travellers here. Can […]