Aren’t blonde women wonderful and a great source of material for jokes as well. This is a week in the life of a blonde woman, taken from her diary… Monday: […]
The Best Funny Garden Jokes
A policeman saw this little old lady who was walking down the street, dragging two plastic garbage bags with her, one in each hand. While he was watching her, he […]
If you love big arse jokes you are sure to love this one and the moral to this story is, be careful when telling your wife that she has a […]
A man who was serving time in prison received a letter from his wife, in which she wrote, “I have decided to plant some lettuce in the back garden. When […]
An elderly man was out in his garden talking to his next door neighbor over the garden fence. “Hey Harry”, the man called over the fence, “I just bought a […]
Little Johnny was in the garden filling in a hole that he had been busily digging, when his neighbor peered over the fence. Interested in what the cheeky-faced youngster was […]
A retiring farmer decided that it would be too much like hard work to hold a livestock sale and so he decided to have a great livestock gieveaway, planning to […]
We hope that you enjoy this huge collection of funny snowmen pictures and cartoons, which is part of our collection of funny Christmas pictures. We love funny snowman pictures and […]
Little Tommy came home from school one day and found his pet chicken dead. It was just laying there on the ground with it’s legs pointing straight up into the […]
Can you imagine never having seen a mirror before? I can see you thinking already that this must be a terrible joke and to be sure you aren’t wrong there. […]
Annoying cats are one of My Pet Peeves. I have to admit I have never been fond of cats, especially those neighbourhood cats that keep coming into my garden, leaving […]
I had to laugh out loud when I read the following review for this Garden Bird Feeding Station on Amazon. It was obviously written by someone with a great sense […]