Johnny passed his driving test and just got his driver’s license. The family decided that it would be a great idea if Johnny took them all for a ride in […]
The Best Funny Father Jokes
A mother was with her five year old son at the zoo, looking at the elephants in their enclosure. The five year old boy looked with amazement at the large […]
Little Johnny was a poor student and he had lately been getting bad grades in school. In fact, he was pretty much bottom of his class. One day, he went […]
“Just relax sir”, the nurse at the hospital kept telling the young father to be, but it made no difference. The young man’s pregnant wife was in labour, about to […]
Little Johnny had a swearing problem, he was always using bad language and his father was getting tired of it. So he decided to ask his psychiatrist what to do […]
Paddy found out that his parents had been in a minor car accident, so he called his father to check that they were both ok. His father answered the phone […]
One day, a little girl asked her father, “How did the human race appear?” Her father thought for a minute, then answered, “Well Sally, God made Adam and Eve and […]
A father and son went fishing one day. After a couple hours out in the boat, the boy suddenly became curious about the world around him. He asked his father, […]
A small boy went up to his father and told him proudly, “Daddy, I know what the Bible means!” His father smiled at him and replied, “What do you mean […]
Why are wedding dresses white? It must have been a very brave man who wrote this joke. If you are going to share it, I guess you are even braver. […]
“You looked troubled”, I said to my friend when we were talking the other day. “What’s the problem?” I asked him. He answered, “I’m going to be a father”. “But […]
A young girl and her Mother were out shopping one day at the mall, when the young girl asked her Mother, “Mommy, how old are you?” Her Mother said “Sweetie, […]